Friday, September 28, 2012

Warkah untuk asap

 This is the drawing which I have done for my stpm art project
Named : Warkah untuk asap
As you can see , this drawing is about air pollution 
Show you some details parts
 Hair grow trees but mostly the tree were dead
 Dead trees around all the places
 I have learned screen printing. The word 'Asap' was printed by screen printing
Its awesome :)
 A part of the sajak ' ASAP '
 The factory with lots of smoke
 Feel sad when see our environment and health are affecting by the smokes
 This is her mask
Everyone said the mask is so weird and my friend said the woman look like a duck after wearing this. Lols
 Kiddo (the woman's son) also feel sad when seeing air pollution happened
If air pollution continue happening, seriously will affect our next generation
 For me the hardest part of this drawing was colored her hair
 Luckily, my friend taught me the skills :) Thanks
 Kiddo's hair
 The smokes
 There's still have a few words i dint fully cover that time but now is done !
 Do you prefer woman's face or kiddo's face ?
 A small part of this drawing

I would like to thank all my friends and my teacher for teaching me to do this drawing and also my art project.
Finally is done and already passed up
I really feel so sad to pass up my project and drawing
Honestly, this is my first nice drawing ever *but dont know you guys feel nice or not la*
First time im so patiently and slowly to finish a drawing
Proud of myself too :D *self-loving*